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Εγκαίνια Νέου Μουσείου Ακρόπολης

20 Ιουνίου 2009. Αθήνα
Στο επίκεντρο του ενδιαφέροντος του κόσμου είναι σήμερα η Ελλάδα. Το νέο Μουσείο της Ακροπόλεως, με τους μοναδικούς θησαυρούς του αρχαίου ελληνικού πολιτισμού που αποτελούν κληρονομιά της οικουμένης, καλωσορίζει σήμερα τους υψηλούς επισκέπτες του από όλα τα μήκη και πλάτη της γης.
Τα επίσημα εγκαίνια του νέου Μουσείου της Ακροπόλεως, θα πραγματοποιηθούν σήμερα Σάββατο, 20 Ιουνίου στις οκτώ το βράδυ, με τη παρουσία και τους τους χαιρετισμούς των επισήμων, Προέδρων κρατών και πρωθυπουργών από όλον τον κόσμο παρουσία του Προέδρου της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας και του Έλληνα πρωθυπουργού.
Οι συντελεστές του μεγάλου έργου, το Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού, το προσωπικό του Μουσείου και εθελοντές είναι πανέτοιμοι για τα επίσημα εγκαίνια που αναμένεται να εντυπωσιάσουν και που θα μεταδοθούν από την ΕΡΤ και την ΕRTonline σε όλα τα μήκη και πλάτη της γης.
Παρακολουθείστε ζωντανά τα εγκαίνια στις 20.00 ώρα Ελλάδας.
Σχετικό link: www.theacropolismuseum.gr

UFO Δολοφόνοι Κρύβονται στις Λίμνες

"Οι γεωπαθογεννητικές ζώνες των λιμνών έλκουν τα UFO''

Μυστηριώδη ιπτάμενα αντικείμενα όλων των μορφών—κυκλικά, ελλειψοειδή, ορθογώνια και τριγωνικά– μπορούν εύκολα να παρατηρηθούν κοντά στη Λίμνη Γκαίπο στην Κορντιλλέρας.
Οι εντόπιοι τα βλέπουν να κινούνται μέσα ή επάνω στην επιφάνεια του νερού και κατόπιν να ανυψώνονται και να χάνονται στο διάστημα.
Οι ινδιάνοι Κεχούα που ζουν στις ακτές της λίμνης Γκαϊπο, σε αντίθεση με τους UFO-λόγους, δεν συνδέουν τα φαινόμενα αυτά με εξωγήινα όντα.

Είναι βέβαιοι πως πρόκειται για μάγισσες και μάγους που ομοιάζουν με UFO, καθώς κυνηγούν να δολοφονήσουν τους ανθρώπους της περιοχής.
Μια ιστορία λέει, πως μια ακτίνα φωτός, από ένα φωτεινό αντικείμενο, έπεσε, μια φορά, επάνω σε έναν ινδιάνο.
Ο άνθρωπος δεν μπορούσε να κουνήσει ούτε το δαχτυλάκι του έως ότου το άγνωστο αντικείμενο χάθηκε στον ουρανό. Άλλη μια ιστορία λέει για μια γυναίκα που μάζευε χαμόκλαδα στο δάσος όταν ξαφνικά είδε έναν τεράστιο δίσκο να αιωρείται πάνω από τη λίμνη. Ο δίσκος ακτινοβολούσε μια τεράστια θερμοκρασία που η γυναίκα την αισθανόταν αν και βρισκόταν αρκετά μακριά.
Η Γκαίπο δεν είναι η μοναδική ‘λίμνη δολοφόνος’ στον κόσμο. Ένα παράξενο ατύχημα συνέβη τον Οκτώβριο του 1994 στη λίμνη Τζον Ντι. Λόγκ, της νότιας Καρολίνας. Μια νέα γυναίκα, η Σούζαν Σμίθ, καταδικάστηκε για το θάνατο δύο μικρών παιδιών της. Η μητέρα άφησε τα αγόρια της, το Μιχάλη τριών ετών και τον Αλέξανδρο δεκατεσσάρων μηνών στο αυτοκίνητό της και το άφησε να κυλήσει μέσα στη λίμνη παρασύροντας στο βυθό, τους δύο γιούς της. Η Σούζαν καταδικάστηκε σε ισόβια.
Η τραγωδία συγκλόνισε την τοπική κοινωνία και σε ανάμνηση των παιδιών οι κάτοικοι ανέγειραν δύο μνημεία. Ένα για το Μιχάλη και παραδίπλα για τον Αλέξανδρο.
Το περίεργο είναι πως η εφιαλτική, αυτή, δολοφονία επαναλήφθηκε δύο χρόνια μετά, όταν ένα αυτοκίνητο με επτά άτομα– τρεις ενήλικες και τέσσερα παιδιά – έκανε ξαφνικά όπισθεν και περνώντας ανάμεσα από τα μνημεία των του Αλέξη και του Μιχάλη έπεσε μέσα στη λίμνη. Όλοι οι επιβάτες του αυτοκινήτου πνιγήκανε, πνίγηκε ακόμη και ένας περαστικός που βούτηξε στη λίμνη για να τους διασώσει.
Οι ιστορίες αυτές δημιούργησαν στον ντόπιο πληθυσμό την πεποίθηση πως η λίμνη ήταν καταραμένη.
Αρκετές δεκάδες αυτοκινήτων εξάλλου παρασύρθηκαν στο βυθό της Λίμνης Γουάιτνι του Τέξας.
Όταν τα αυτοκίνητα με τους επιβάτες σε αυτά σύρθηκαν μυστηριωδώς μέσα στη λίμνη. Οι δύτες βρήκαν πολλά αυτοκίνητα στο βυθό της λίμνης χωρίς όμως μέσα σε αυτά να υπάρχει έστω ένα πτώμα.
Η τοπική αστυνομία αναφέρει πως πολλά από αυτά τα οχήματα ήταν αδύνατο να κυλήσουν στη λίμνη γιατί βρέθηκαν με το χειρόφρενο τραβηγμένο.
Οι Ουφολόγοι υποστηρίζουν πως δύο άγνωστα ιπτάμενα αντικείμενα προσγειώθηκαν στα πρώτα χρόνια της δεκαετίας του ‘70 στη ‘λίμνη δολοφόνο’.
Υπάρχει, άραγε, οποιαδήποτε σχέση των UFO με τους μυστηριώδεις θανάτους;
Τα Άγνωστα Ιπτάμενα Αντικείμενα συνήθως έλκονται, προτιμούν δηλαδή, γεωπαθογεννητικές ζώνες. Δεν αποκλείεται αυτά τα ηλεκτρομαγνητικά πεδία των ζωνών αυτών να έχουν δυσμενείς επιπτώσεις στους ανθρώπους και στις κατασκευές του, επιπτώσεις που τελικά καταλήγουν σε τραγωδίες.
Τα UFO, ίσως, να είναι η πηγή τέτοιων παθογεννητικών ζωνών.




Macedonian names and makeDonski pseudo-linguistics: The case of the names Dadas and Dada

Miltiades Elia Bolaris
June 17, 2009

Balkan Illusion - phantasia archaica:

"...it is very interesting to note that many of the authentic ancient Macedonian words, according to their etymology and pronunciation, have a striking resemblance to the appropriate words used in the modern Macedonian language (and other so called "Slav"[sic] languages)."..."Dada. The noun "dada" in the present day Macedonian language means "older sister". The name "Dada" is present In todays' Macedonian onomasticon." From: "Similarities between ancient Macedonian and today's' Macedonian Culture (Linguistics and Onomastics)" by Aleksandar Donski, celebrity "historian"-propagandist from FYROM.

Dadas / Δάδας & Dada / Δάδα The Prodromos Hellenikes Bibliothekes / Πρόδρομος Ελληνικής Βιβλιοθήκης, "A Forerunner to a Greek Library", published in Paris in 1805, was a literary collection of works by three ancient writers whom the editor considered as introductory to the corpus of the ancient classics. The editor and publisher was Adamantios Koraes, (Αδαμάντιος Κοραής, 1748–1833) a Greek humanist scholar and medical doctor and an active supporter of the French revolution
As a man of the Age of Enlightenment, who was in constant correspondence with the greatest liberal minds of his era He was in constant correspondence with Thomas Jefferson, for example), Koraes tirelessly worked for the liberation of Greece from the yoke of Ottoman slavery and for the education of young Greeks everywhere. His influence in the formation of the literrary modern Greek language has been compared to that of Dante for Italian or Martin Luther for the German language. Koraes believed in the power of education in liberating the minds of individual people and collectively their nations and convinced many wealthy expatriate Greeks to finance the publishing of books in the Greek language to be used in Greek schools in occupied Greece and abroad. The Prodromos Hellenikes Bibliothekes was one such case. In Koraes' Prodromos we find the short story of a Cretan woman named Dada, as relayed by Nikolaos Damaskenos / Νικόλαος Δαμασκηνός in his Ιστορίαι/Stories:
Ὀτι Σκάμανδρος ό βασιλεύσας πρώτος των Τρώων, Σάμωνι χρησάμενος συνεργώ, τους εν τή Τρωάδι ἐνίκησεν. ἀποθανόντος δε Σάμωνος κατά την μάχην, την γυναίκα αυτού Δάδαν [Dadan] μητέρα των νεανίσκων, εἰς το Πόλιον εξέπεμψε διά κήρυκος, ὠς ἀν έκεί συνοικήσειεν ότω βούληται. Ὀ δε κήρυξ κατά την όδόν βιασάμινος αὐτήν ήσχυνεν. Ἠ δε, το ξίφος έχουσα το του ἀνδρός, αὐτήν διεχρήσατο. Αίσθόμενοι δε οί Κρήτες τον κήρυκα κατέλευσαν, ένθα ό χώρος Ἀναίδειας ὠνομάσθη.
Dada's story was retold (using almost to the word Damaskenos' narrative) in French and then translated into English in the "Dictionary of Classical Mythology", by Pierre Grimal (Willey-Blackwell Publishing, 1990):
"The wife of the Cretan hero Samon, who helped Scamander take possession of the Troad. After Samon's death in battle Dada entrusted herself to a herald, asking him to accompany her to a nearby city, where she intended to remarry. On the way the herald violated her and, overcome with shame, Dada ran herself through with her dead husband's sword. When the Cretans became learnt of this tragic event they stoned the herald to death at the very place where he had carried out his rape; the place became known thereafter as the Field of Shamelessness."
This is an ancient Greek myth connecting a Greek woman from Crete named Dada and events on the island of Crete with Skamandros, the mythical king of the city of Troy, on the Asiatic shore of the Aegean Sea, by the Hellespont. The name Dada/Δάδα and her male equivalent Dadas/Δάδας are names that are found throughout the Greek speaking word, and not only in Macedonia, as professor Aleksandar Donsky implies. They happen to be far more widespread and popular in Ionia, and the rest of Hellenic Asia Minor, in what is now Turkey. Searching through the epigraphic record, we looked for the name Dadas and Dada, and their derivatives and other names derived from the same toot, and what we found is a rather disproportionate distribution:
We begin with Asia Minor: 45 mentions of Dadas or Dada 8 mentions of Dadouchos/Δαδούχος2 mentions of Adados/Ἀδαδος1 mention of Theudados/Θευδᾶδος (Θευδᾶδος is Ionian and Dorian for:Theodados/Θεο-δᾶδος. Θευ-= Θεο-=Theo-).1 mention of Νεικάδαδος/Neikadados.Below is an example on an inscription from Galatia, close to the modern Turkish capital Ankara:Regions : Asia Minor : GalatiaStrubbe, Cat. Pessinus 45 Gal., N. — Pessinous: Sivrihisar — AEMÖ 7.1883.182,56Δαδα Ἀλεξάνδρῳ ἀνδ-ρὶ κὲ Δίῳ υἱῷ μνήμης χάριν.Dada to Alexandros her husband and to Dion her son, in memory's favor.Another example from Phrygia, found not far from the first one:Regions : Asia Minor : PhrygiaMAMA 5 Lists Note:188,1[2/5] Phryg. — Dorylaion (Eskişehir), W. of: Inönü — MDAI(A) 25.1900.417,28 w/470ἀγαθῇ τύχῃ.Διὶ Βροντῶντι ἐπη-κόῳ θεῷ Δαδᾶς/Dadas Δαμᾶσὺν τοῖς τέκνοις Ὀ-νησίμῳ καὶ Διομᾶκαὶ Χρυσίῳ ὑπὲρ τῶνἰ]δίων εὐχὴν ἀνέστησανIn benevolent FortuneTo Zeus the Thundering onethe god who listens (epecoos), Dadas son of Damasalong with his children O-nesimos and Diomasand Chrysios, praying on their own behalf they raised this Next we look at inscriptions at the North Shore of the Black Sea: We find38 mentions of Dadas/Δάδας or Dada/Δάδα2 mentions of Dadaios/Δαδαίος4 mentions of Dadagos /Δάδαγος4 mentions of Dadakos /Δάδακος
Example of a Greek inscription from the Greek city of Ερμόνασσα/Ηερμονασσα, modern Tmutarakan (Тмутаракань) by the Cimmerian Bosporus,in Russia, a city strategically located by the entry from the Euxine Pontus into the Sea of Azov.
Regions : North Shore of the Black Sea
CIRB 1054
N. Black Sea — Hermonassa (Taman ) — 123-133 AD — IosPE IV 421
βασιλεύοντος βασι]-λέως [Τιβερίου Ἰουλίου]Κότυος υἱ[οῦ βασιλέως]Σαυρομάτου, [φιλοκαίσα]-ρος καὶ φιλορωμαίου,εὐσεβοῦς, ἡ σύνο-δος ἡ περὶ νακόρονΒάγην Σωσιπάτρου,καὶ ἱρ̣έα ΣτράτωναὈν̣[ησιδ?]ώ̣ρου καὶ ἱερομά-στορα Ἀπολλώνιον Χρυ-σαλίσκου καὶ γραμμα-τέα Ἀγαθοῦν Πολεμοκρά-του καὶ φιλάγαθον Μυρεῖ-νον β καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ θιασεῖτ[αι]·Καλοῦς ΜυρείνουΜέγης ΜηνᾶΔημοκράτης Δάδα/DadaἈρισταγόρας ἈγαθοῦΔάδας [Dadas] Ἀπολλωνί[ου]etcDuring the royal rule of king Tiberios Ioulios Kotys son of king Sautomates, who is philocaesar, philoroman, andpious, the council surroundingthe president of the temple:Bages son of Sosistratosand priest Straton son of Onesidoros and holy official Apollonios son ofChrysaliskos and secre-tary Agathon son of Polemo-krates and the well meaning Myrei-nos and the rest of the (Bacchic) thiasos members:Kalous son of MyreinosMeges son of MenasDemocrates son of DadasAristagoras son of AgathosDadas son of Apolloniosetc
Next we look at occurrences of these names in Thrace and Lower Danube:
19 mentions of Dadas/Δάδας or Dada /Δάδα.1 mention of Dadoparenos/Δαδοπαρηνός.1 mention of Dados/Δαδος.
The first examples is from ancient Οδησσός/Odessus, by modern Varna (not to be confused with Odessa of Ukraine, further north):IGBulg 286
Thrace and Moesia Inferior Odessus (Varna) — Galataabove relief.1 Ἥρωι Καραβασ]μῳbelow relief.2 Ἀγαθήνωρ Πόσσειος ὁκαὶ Δαδας/Dadas εὐχαριστήριονκατ´ εὐχὴν τοῦ πατρός.Agathenor Poseios alsoknown as Dadas, thanks offeringaccording to the wish of his fatherThe second example is from Byzantium/Βυζάντιον/Constantinople, modern Istanbul:IK Byzantion 234Thrace and Moesia Inferior Thrace — Byzantion (Istanbul) — 2nd c. BC (Fir.) Firatli-Robert (Annexe) 230 — SEG 24.721Χρηστὴ Δ̣α̣δα/Dada, Δα̣[δας]/DadasἈπολλωνίου.Chreste daughter of Dadas, Dadasson of ApolloniosWe now move to the Aegean Islands: Here we have5 mentions of Dadas/Δάδας3 mentions of Dadamas/ΔαδἀμαςBelow is a well published example from the island of Lesbos:Regions : Aegean Islands, incl. Crete (IG XI-[XIII]) : Lesbos, Nesos, and Tenedos (IG XII,2) IG XII,2 222 Lesbos — Mytilenefrom the base of a statue:ὀ δᾶμοςΔάδαν/Dadan Δίη, γύναικα δὲ Λεσβώνακτοςτῶ Ποτάμωνος, ἰρεύσαισαν Ἐτηφίλακάλως καὶ εὐσεβέως καὶ ἀποκατάσται-σαν τὰ ἶρα, ἀρέτας ἔννεκα καὶ εὐ-νοίας τᾶς εἰς αὖτον.
the peopleTo Dada daughter of Dies, and also wife of Lesbonaxson of Potamon, who has been priestess of Etephilain a good and pious way and was instrumental in reconstituting the Ira, due to her virtue and hergood will towards them, the people.
Incidentally, this same Dada, whose Roman citizen's name was Claudia, was later honored by the Mytilinean demos with a second statue. She was the daughter of Dies/Δίης, sister of Philon and wife of Lesboanax/Λεσβώναξ (yes, indeed, his name means "king of the Lesbians", and no, we should not get over-excited: it merely refers to the inhabitants of the Greek island of Lesbos).
The base of the second statue preserves the following commendation:
Κλαυδίαν Δα[δα?]/Dadaἠροίναν Γαίω[---]τὠ εὐεργέτα πα[ίδα].
To Klaudia Da[da?]a heroine to Gaio[---]to the benefactor child.Now we search for the same names in northern Greece, in Macedonia: We locate2 mentions of the name Dadas/Δάδας1 mention of the name Dadouchos/Δαδοῦχος. 1 mention of Dados/ΔάδοςExamples:EKM 1. Beroia 181
Macedonia : Bottiaia: Beroia
Διογένης Βαρναίου ἥρωςΔάδα/Dada ἡ[ρ]ώ̣ισσα.Diogenes son of Barnaios, a heroDada, a heroine
Another example comes in the form of a small inscription stamped on a clay vessel, an amphora, originating in the SE Aegean island of Cos:SEG 48:832,3Macedonia : Bottiaia: Pella, Unpublished Coan amphora stamp naming eponym Δάδας : DadasA third inscription from Macedonia, concerning the sale of a house: Regions : Northern Greece (IG X) : Macedonia Meletemata 22, Epig. App. 91 Meletemata 22, Epig. App. 90 Meletemata 22, Epig. App. 92 Makedonia (Edonis) — Amphipolis — 3rd c. BC — SEG 24.584
ἀγαθῆι τύ[χηι]. ἐφ´ ἱερέως Αἰσχύλου, ἐπισ̣-τάτου δὲ Κλεάνδρου, μηνὸς Δίου. Κίσσο-ς Ἑκαταίου ἐπρίατο παρὰ Σωσικράτους τοῦ Ἀ-νδρονίκου τὴν οἰκίαν καὶ τὸ οἰκόπεδον τὸπροσόν, ἧι γείτονες Ἀντίγονος Μαχάτα,Νίκανδρος Λεωνίδου, χρυσῶν ἑδομήκ̣-οντα τριῶν. βεβαιωταὶ Μαχάτας Ἀνδρονί-κ]ου, Καλλίστρατος Δάδου, Νύμφων Ξεν-οφῶντος καὶ αὐτὸς Σωσικράτης. μάρτυρ-ε]ς Νέων Ἰχναίου, Ἀ̣σ̣τιδ̣ί̣ης Ἀντιδότου.
In Good fortune. During the time of priest Aeschylos whenpresident was Cleandros, in the month of Dios, Kissosson of Hekataios took possession from Sosikrates son of An-dronikos of the house and the land plot adjacent to the properties of the neighbors Antigonos son of Machatas,and Nikandros son of Leonides, for seventy three gold (coins). Verifyiers: Machatas son of Andro-nikos, Kallistratos son of Dados/Δάδος, Nymphon son of Xeno-phon and Sosikrates himself. Witnes-ses Neon son of Ichnaios and Astides son of Antidotos. In Egypt of the Ptolemies we find: 2 mentions of the name Dadas/Δάδας1 mention of the name Dadouchos/Δαδοῦχος.1 mention of the name Dadouchios/Δαδοῦχιος.
Example of an inscription:Regions : Egypt, Nubia and Cyrenaïca : Egypt and NubiaSyringes 693
Eg. — Thebes [W.]: Syringes
Δαδᾶς/Dadas Ζ̣ιπύρουΘρᾶϊξ,Νίκανδρος Ζ̣ένωνοςΣελγεὺς ἥκω,ἐπ´ ἀγα-θῷ,εὐτυχῖτε {εὐτυχεῖτε}.Dadas son of Zipyros a ThracianNikandros son of Zenonwho came from Selgiafor goodness, well being.Joy to you!
In Central Greece: 2 mentions of the name Dada/ΔάδαExample from Thessaly, from a marble-inscribed declaration of freeing of slaves, mentioning a freed woman named Dada:IG IX,2 324
Thessaly (IG IX,2): Hestiaiotis: Aiginion (Kalambaka)στρατηγοῦντος Ἀσκλάπωνος μηνὸ[ς]Ἑ]ρμαίου τρίτῃ· αἱ ἀπελευθερωθῖσαι ἀ-π̣ὸ Ἀντικράτους τοῦ Νικάνορος καὶ Ἀ-φθ]οννῶς τῆς Λαχάρου Δ[ά]δα / Dada [κα]ὶ Κ[—]- Ι̣ραὶς ἡ θυ[γάτ]ηρ άδας/ D— — — — — — οἱ ἀπελ]ευθερωθέντες
While Strategos was Asclapon on the monthHermaios, the third day; the freed byAntikrates the son of Nikanoc and aph-thono daughter of Lacharos, Dada and K[—]-Irais the daughter of Dada.— — — — — — the freed slaves...
In Syria, Arabia and Masopotamia we had to be especially carefull in selecting names, since Babylonian, Persian and numerous other non-Greek names appear which sound similar to but are not related to the Greek Dadas. We only chose the ones which are indisputably Greek:
1 mention of Dadados/Δάδαδος1 mention of the name Das/Δας (genitive: Dados/Δαδός)1 mention of the name Dadaia/ΔαδαίαExample from Arabia: Regions : Greater Syria and the East : ArabiaPPUAES IIIA 5,651^1 Syria, S./Arabia-Hauran—Inkhilσῆ[μα] τόδεγαμετῇ τεκτή-ν]ατο Δαδος / Dadosἥτις ἄγαν πι-ν]υτὴ δο[ύλη]πο[λ]υήρατο-ς ο̣ὖσ ̣, ἵλα̣-ος(?)
here is the tomb built for the married womannamed Daswho was always wise, a much de-sired slaveand a joyous one
In Attica/Athens there are countless mentions of the word/atribute dadouchos, due to the Eleusinian and Panathenian festivals and their torch relays, but we only chose this word (Dadouchos/Δαδούχος) only when used as a person's name. Therefore, in Athens we have:1 mention of the name Dadates/Δαδάτης1 mention of the name Dada/Δάδα.30 mentions of the name Dadouchos/Δαδοῦχος.2 mentions of the name Dados/Δάδος
Example:Regions : Attica (IG I-III) : AtticaIG II² 11032 Att. — Athens: Akr. — s I p
ΚορνηλίαΔάδα / Dada
Cornelia daughter of Dadas.And also:Regions : Attica (IG I-III) : AtticaIG II² 8944 Att. — Athens: Akr.
ΕὐρυδίκηΔάδου / DadouἸχναία.
Euridicedaughter of Dadosfrom Ichna
Italy: 1 mention of the name Dadouchis/ΔαδουχίςThe inscription contains a very long list of Greek names (about five hundred), from a religious document from a temple in the city of Rome.IGUR I 160
Italy, incl. Magna GraeciaItalia — Roma: Torre Nova, area of — ca. mid. 2nd c. AD — cf. IGUR IV, p. 148, 160
οἱ ὑπογεγραμμένοι Μακ]ρεῖνος ἥρωςΚεθ]ηγίλλα δᾳδοῦχος/dadouchos (a torchbearer, as a function not as a name)ἱερεῖςΓ]α̣λλικανόςΓ̣αλλικανόςΜακρεῖνοςὌρφιτοςΓλύκεροςΠτέρωνΚαικιλίαΔύναμιςΦιλήτηἘπίκτητοςΔαδουχίς/DadouchisΡοῦφαΜουσικήΦοῖβοςthe undersignedMak]reinos heroKeth]egilla a torch bearer (δᾳδοῦχος/dadouchos)
the priestsGallikanosGallikanosMakreinosOrphitosGlykerosPteronKaikiliaDynamisPhiliteEpictetosDadouchisRoufaMousikePhoebos
Now that we have seen the name Dada and Dadas as well as many of similar names in related form, all derived from the same root, let us look at their meaning.
Let us start with Hesychios, the 5th century AD lexicographer, who saved for us thousands of unusual Greek words and words in various Greek dialects:
δᾷδα· λαμπάδα Dada: a torch δᾷδας· λαμπηδόνας Dadas: torches (plural)δᾷδες· λαμπάδες Dades: torches (plural)δᾳδουχεῖ· λάμπει, φέγγει. φωτίζει. [φαίνει] verb: Dadouchei: it shines, lights upδᾳδουχίας· λαμπαδηφορίας λυχναψίας. φωτισμοῦ Dadouchias: about torch bearingδᾳδοῦχος· λυχνάπτης. [λαμπαδηφόρος] Dadouchos: torch bearerδᾳδουχοῦνται· φαίνονται verb Dadouchountai: they are being lit, seenδᾳδουχῶν· διαλάμπων. n φωτίζων Dadouchon: sparkling shiny, well litδαΐδες· λαμπάδες. g λύχνοι Daides: torches, lights (plural)δαΐδων· λαμπάδων (Σ 492) Daidon: of torches δᾳδῶχορ· λυχνία Dadochor: a night lightδαίς· πεύκη, λαμπάς Dais: pine, torchδαίων· καίων S Daion: the burning oneδαίω· καίω ἐξάπτω vgAS verb Daio: to burn, to torch.
In the monumental work of the German Linguist Julius Pokorny's Indogermanisches Etymologisches Woerterbuch, which was published in 1959, we find the root / lemma:
" dāu-, dǝu-, dū̆- which means : "to burn". "
Pokorny connected this to:"Old Indian dunṓti `burns (trans), afflicts', dūná- `burnt, afflicted', Pass. dūyatē `burns' (intr.), kaus. dāvayati `burns' (trans), dāvá-ḥ (with ablaut change davāḫḥ) `blaze', etc...as in δεδαυμένος[dedaumenos]". He continues further down:
"gr. Δαίω [daio] (*δᾰF-ι̯ω) `set on fire, inflame', Perf. δέδηε [dedëe]`be in flames, be on fire' (: Old Indian dudāva), participle δεδαυμένος [dedaumenos] (δαῦσαι[dausai] ἐκκαῦσαι Hes., ἐκδαβῇ[ekdave] ἐκκαυθῇ Λάκωνες Hes.), δάος n., δαΐς[dais], -ίδος f. `torch' (to ᾳ: von att. δᾱͅς[das], δᾱͅδός[dados] s. Schwyzer Gr. Gr. I 266), δᾱνός [dais] `easily ignitable = to dry' (*δαεινός from *δαFεσ-νός), δᾱλός `burning piece of wood' (*δαFελός = lakon. Δαβελός)[davelos];" and also:
"air. dōīm `singe, burn' (about air. dōīm `get, exert' see under deu̯(ǝ)-), Verbalnom. dōud = Old Indian davathu-ḥ `blaze, fire'; atūd `kindle, inflame' from *ad-douth, cymr. cynneu `kindle, inflame'".
In the much more recent work "The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo European world, by J.P.Mallory and D.Q. Adams (Oxford University Press, 2006), a more updated lema is shown in *dehau, meaning "kindle, burn". On page 123 we read:"Getting a fire started may have been indicated by *dehau- "kindle, burn" with cognates in Celtic (e.g. OIr daud "burning"), Grk dai'o "kindle, burn", Skt Duno'ti "kindles, burns", and Tocharian (e.g. TochA twas- "kindle, ignite, light").
We look up some Sanskrit words in a Sanskrit-English dictionary freely available on the internet, and some words come up which are phonetically similar to the Greek dada and also etymologically related to it:"DAH, I. P. (E. also A.) DAHA, burn, consume with fire ; cauterize ; destroy ; torment, agitate ; pj.be burned; be destroyed; be consumed with inward fire ; be tortured : pp. DAFFDHA, i/, v. ; cs. DAHAYA, cause to be burned; burn (tr.); DO.DIDHAKEHA, be about to burn or destroy ; intv. DANDAHITL, dan- dagdhi, DANDANYATE, burn or destroy completely ; "
And also:"DAVA, m. (forest) conflagration; m. n. forest : -DAHANA, m. forest fire ; -Agni, m. fire of a burning forest; Tanala, iii. id.""A Sanskrit-English dictionary", by Arthur Anthony MacdonellDava is a word that in Sanskrit is related to both wood and fire, but particularly in a forest fire. The meaning of the Greek word for dada is similarly related to a piece of wood on fire. The word Dava-Agni-Davagni which indicates the fire of a burning forest could be of particular interest to us, since it has two familiar cognates: one in Greek (Sanskrit Dava – Greek Dada) and one for Latin (Sanskrit Agni - Latin Ignis [the Greek word agne/αγνή is also a cognate, although not an obvious one: agne=pure, purified – through fire). The English word "to ignite" is a cognate of the Sanskrit "agni", and the same word exists in Slavic too. The name Ignatius is derived from Ignis, for fire in Latin, and is therefore related to Agni; we will see it again, later on, so let us remember it, but it is interesting to see its Saskrit cognate here couple with Dada's Sanskrit cognate to form the Sanskrit forest-fight: "Davagni".As it becomes very apparent by now that the Greek word dais/δαίς-dados/δαδός and the names Dada/Δάδα Dadas/Δάδας and their derivatives all relate to the act of "starting a fire", "setting wood ablaze", "igniting", and of course "torches" and "torch bearing".
They are all derived from the verb daio/δαίω (in original form *δαF-ίω), which means "to light up", "to kindle", "to set on fire", "to burn,". Passive form: Dedaumai/δέδαυμαι, I am being lit up, torched. Δαίς/dais, is also found as δάς/das, in genitive form δαδός/dados, which translates as "the torch". In ancient Greek we also have the words δαδούχος / dadouxos for "the one holding a torch", as in the torch bearers at the festival of Eleusinian Demetra, in Athens, and δαδοφόρος / dadophoros which also means "the torch bearer". The two associates of the Persian Mithra, the prophet of Zaroaster, whose cult spread throughout the Roman empire and competed with Christianity for dominance in Europe in the beginning of the first millennium, always followed Mithra each holding a torch in their hand, and they were called Dadophoroi/Δαδοφόροι. The verb describing their action (bearing a torch) is δαδοφορέω/dadophoreo : to bear a torche, as in festivals (Liddel & Scott, Greek-English Lexicon, page 365, 1951 reprint). Dadaphorios/Δαδαφόριος was also the name of the fifth month in the calendar of Delphi (roughly equivalent to today's January, the Macedonian Peritios/Περίτιος and the Athenian Gamelion/Γαμηλιών). Dadophorios took its name from of the annual torch-light festival Dadaphoria/Δαδαφόρια that was held on this month in Delphi. Δαδουχεω/dadouheo is a verb meaning "to be a torch", being a torch bearer. The image of the two Dadophoroi/torch bearers passing a dais/dados, a torch to one another, shown at the beginning of this article, is from an ancient Greek amphora. It is showing the passing of the torch in such an athletic contest help during a religious festival, a Dadophoreia, a torch relay.
In modern Greek, δάδα/dada still means the torch. A quick "image" search in the internet (using a "copy and paste" for those who cannot spell it in Greek) of the word δάδα will bring up countless images of torches; especially the Olympic torches of the torch relay around the world (from the site of ancient Olympia, in the Peloponnese, to the Olympic city of that year). Dada/δάδα is what the statue of Liberty in New York harbor is holding on her right hand (also called a pyrsos/πυρσός, from Pyr/πύρ for fire). Dadi/δαδι in modern Greek is the resin wood chip used to ignite a fireplace fire.
Professor Aleksandar Donski/Александар Донски, of Skopje, FYROM, in his futile attempt to establish a non-existing connection between the ancient Greek names Dada/Δάδα - Dadas/Δάδας to words in the jugo-Slavic language spoken in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, proclaims that "The noun "dada" in the present day Macedonian [sic] language means "older sister"". He obviously forgot to inform us as to how Δάδας/Dadas is related to his own "Дада"". And what about Dados, Dadouchos, Dadates, etc...how are these men related to the Slavomakedonian "older sister-Dada/Дада"? Consistency, it seems, is not a pre-qualification criterion for the good nationalistic propagandist.
Having by now been informed of the meaning of Dada in the "present day" language of the modern inhabitants of FYROM (ancient Paeonia and Dardania-not Macedonia), it is time to recall what Dada means in the "present day" languages of most other European nations: DADA: an anti-war, anti-establishment radical art movement of the WWI years (started in Zürich in 1916), which reverberates on and off till now (the Punk subculture owed much to Dada). Unfortunately, the European Dada, despite its obvious phonetic similarities, happens to have about as much connection to the ancient Greek Dada/Δάδα and Dadas/Δάδας as the pseudo-makedonka "older sister"-"Dada/Дада".
In conclusion, Dada/Δάδα and Dadas/Δάδας and other similarly derived names of the same linguistic root, have been attested in Greek Mythology and Greek History. The Hellenic epigraphjic record containes numerous inscriptions with these names, as clearly demonstrated above. Equally important is the fact that Dadas, Dada and related names were popular throughout the Greek-speaking word, and certainly not only in Macedonia. While there are only four mentions of the name Dada (and similar, related names) in Macedonia, there are about twenty one mentions of these same names in Thrace (in modern Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece), over fifty-five mentions of these same and related names in Asia Minor (now Turkey) and forty eight in the (predominantly Ionian) Greek colonies of the Euxinus Pontus (the Black Sea), Greek cities in what is now Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia. There were, as we showed above, ancient Greek inscriptions with the names Dada/Δάδα, Dadas/Δάδας, Dados/Δάδος etc found in other places in Greece, from Thessaly and Athens to Crete, Delos and Lesbos, but also in places as diverse and distant from each other as modern Syria, Mesopotamia-Iraq and Saudi Arabia, but also in Egypt and in Italy-Rome.
The common thread uniting these names is their "burning", "fire-igniting" and "torch"-related etymology:
Dadas/Δάδας, Dados/Δάδος, Dadaios/Δαδαίος, Dada/Δάδα: if they were Romans, instead of Greeks, with etymologically similar Latin names, they would have been named Inflammatus, Candelabrarius, Candela, or Ignatius: they too are "burning", "inflaming", "fire-igniting" and "torch" related names, like Dada/Δάδα and Dadas/Δάδας.

Miltiades Elia Bolaris

American Chronicle

FYROMian Academic Blaže Ristovski Against the Recent Wave of Historical Revisionism [17-VI-2009]

FYROMian Academic Blaže Ristovski, a senior member of the so-called MANU, defies the new, radical historical revisionism whose authors want to de-Slavify the Slavs of FYROM and impose an Ancient Macedonian ethnic origin, in defiance of reason and facts.

History of Macedonia


Gruevski: Οι πολίτες θα πουν την τελευταία λέξη για το όνομα.

Bitola (Μοναστήρι) Ιούνιος 14 (ΜΙΑ). Ο πρωθυπουργός Νίκολα Γκρουέφσκι, επανέλαβε τη θέση του, πως την τελική λέξη για την ονομασία της χώρας έχουν οι πολίτες, ως συμβιβαστική λύση μετά από τη μακρόχρονη υφιστάμενη διαφωνία με την Ελλάδα.
Οσον αναφορά τη συχνή χρήση του όρου «Βόρεια Μακεδονία» ως πρόταση για διευθέτηση της διαφωνίας, ο Γκρουέφσκι είπε ότι οι συζητήσεις για την εξεύρεση λύσης βρίσκονται σε εξέλιξη.

«Ωστόσο, όπως έχουμε ήδη πει, οι πολίτες θα έχουν την τελική λέξη για το μέλλον του κράτους τους και στην έγκριση των κρίσιμων αποφάσεων για τη 'Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας' », δήλωσε ο πρωθυπουργός Γκρουέφσκι από το χωριό Νοβάσι, όπου παρευρέθηκε στον καθαγιασμό του μοναστηριού « Αγ. Μπογοφοντίτσα».
Η πρόταση για την ονομασία ως ‘Βόρεια Μακεδονία’ για την επίσημη ονομασία του κράτους, έγινε αποδεκτή για τον αρχιμανδρίτη Νικόδημο Τσαρκνιά, ο οποίος παρευρέθηκε στο καθαγιασμό της μονής
- Η «Βόρεια Μακεδονία» είναι μια αποδεκτή αλλαγή του ονόματος της χώρας. Καμία καταστροφή δεν θα συμβεί εάν η Μακεδονία δεχτεί αυτήν την πρόταση, θα επίλυε την από μακρού υφιστάμενη διαφωνία με το νότιο γείτονα. Αλλά ο μακεδονικός λαός, πρέπει να αποφασίσει για αυτό, είπε ο Τσαρκνιάς το Σάββατο στο Bitola (Μοναστήρι).



Η ιστοριογραφία της FYROM και επίσημα πλέον αποκηρύσσει τον Σλαβικό χαρακτήρα των Σλαβομακεδόνων.

F.Y.R.O.M. History

Χθες η National Historic Society of (FYR)Macedonia έκδωσε ένα νέο βιβλίο με θέμα την ιστορία της γης της FYROM από το 6.000 π.Χ., μέχρι τον Απρίλιο του 2008. Σε αυτό το βιβλίο, για πρώτη φορά οι Σκοπιανοί ιστορικοί ΕΠΙΣΗΜΑ και σε ακαδημαϊκή βάση προωθούν το επιχείρημα του Σλαβομακεδονισμού (ψευδομακεδονισμού) ότι οι σύγχρονοι Μακεντότσι είναι πρόγονοι των αρχαίων Μακεντότσι της κλασικής εποχής, με τη σημαντική, αλλά και μη ουσιαστική επιρροή από τους Σλάβους εισβολείς. Αρνούνται την προηγούμενη «σλαβοκεντρική» υπόθεση που υποστήριζε ότι τον 6ο μ.Χ. οι Σλάβοι αντικατέστησαν εντελώς τους αρχαίους κατοίκους της χώρας.
Δες σχετικά: Ακρίτας

Δολοφονήθηκαν Όμηροι στην Υεμένη

Σάνα, Υεμένη (ΑΡ) 16 Ιουνίου 2009.

Ξένοι υπήκοοι που είχαν δηλωθεί ως αγνοούμενοι δολοφονήθηκαν, ανακοίνωσε χθες ανώτατος υπάλληλος της Υεμένης. Προφανώς οι όμηροι εκτελέστηκαν από τους απαγωγείς τους σε μια αδιευκρίνιστη περιοχή του μικρού αραβικού κράτους.
Επτά Γερμανοί, ένας Βρετανός και ένας Νοτιοκορεάτης, εξαφανίστηκαν την περασμένη εβδομάδα όταν πήγαν για πικ νικ στην περιοχή Σάαντα, στη βόρεια Υεμένη.

Ο ανώτερος υπάλληλος, ο οποίος δεν δήλωσε το όνομά του, λόγω του ότι δεν ήταν αρμόδιος για τον Τύπο, ανήγγειλε την εύρεση των έξι πτωμάτων, ενώ νωρίτερα είχαν βρεθεί ακρωτηριασμένα τα υπόλοιπα τρία.
Η Υεμένη είναι το πιο φτωχό κράτος της Μέσης Ανατολής, είναι η πατρίδα ανυπότακτων αραβικών φύλων, όπως των σιιτών επαναστατών που αποτελούν κλάδο της Αλ Κάιντα και έχουν στο ενεργητικό τους αρκετά κτυπήματα στην περιοχή, κυρίως κατά των ξένων που βρίσκονται εκεί, όπως παλιότερα έγινε με την αμερικανική πρεσβεία.
Βοσκοί της περιοχής βρήκαν τα πτώματα των τριών γυναικών στην ορεινή επαρχία της Σαάντα, κοντά στην πόλη Ελ Νασούρ, γνωστή ως θύλακας των τρομοκρατών της Αλ Κάιντα, όπως είπε ο ανώτερος κυβερνητικός υπάλληλος.
Το γερμανικό υπουργείο των εξωτερικών ανακοίνωσε πως δεν υπάρχει ακόμη κάποιο επιβεβαιωμένο στοιχείο για τη δολοφονία των υπηκόων του.
Ενώ ο ανώτατος υπάλληλος της βρετανικής πρεσβείας εξέφρασε την ανησυχία του για την τύχη του Βρετανού.
Τις ίδιες ανησυχίες εξέφρασε και το υπουργείο εξωτερικών της Νότιας Κορέας για τον 34 χρονο Κορεάτη που εργαζότανε στην Υεμένη.

Tehran Times


Evidence of «μακεδονιστί» words in the other greek dialects

Evidence of «μακεδονιστί» words in the other greek dialects and some conclusions on the unity of the Northern Greek Group and the inclusion of the Macedonians in it.

Written by Andreas Kyropoulos

In this article I’d like to present gathered all the evidence of «μακεδονιστί» words from the other ancient greek dialects that I’ve found during my research so far.
My aim is to present enough ancient greek words both panhellenic and dialectal that share the macedonian phonological aberrancy in order to prove that there’s nothing “extra-Greek” in it , but it represents a phonological phenomenon that has affected thereabout all the Ancient Greek dialects (mostly the Northern ones) , with the only difference being the frequency of occurence. This frequency appears to be the highest in Macedonian , relatively high (but always a minority) in Aeolic and the Northwestern Greek dialects and the lowest (but not inexistent) in the southern Greek dialects (that is Attic-Ionic and Arcado-Cypriot).
First let’s define the «μακεδονιστί» phonology , that is the “macedonian manner of speech“. Many of the macedonian glosses , personal names , month names and toponymics that have been writen down and came to us although undoubtedly related to known Greek words show a striking characteristic : they are writen down with the letters [β,γ,δ] where the “standard” Greek forms have respectively [φ,χ,θ] . The phenomenon is known for more than a century and there has been an intense academic debate on it’s interpretation , and this interpretation judged whether or not the tongue of the ancient Macedonians was a Greek dialect or not.
The argument starts from the basic assumption that during the pre-Hellenistic period , that is let’s say before 300-350 BC , the greek letters [β,γ,δ] had the phonemic value of voiced stops [b,g,d] respectively , meanwhile the letters [φ,χ,θ] had the phonemic value of voiceless aspirates [/ph/,/kh/,/th/] (the kind of “breathy” sound that an english speaker produces at the beginning of the words “pen” , “cow” and “ten” respectively. The phonemic values of these letters were not ment to be and from a time that conventionally is put in the Early Hellenistic Period (around 300 BC) all the above letters acquired “continuant” phonemic values : [β,γ,δ] became voiced spirants [/v/,/γ/,/δ/] , meanwhile [φ,χ,θ] became voiceless spirants [/f/,/χ/,/θ/] , that is the phonemic value that they still have in modern Greek.
I have underlined the word “conventionally” , because in reality we don’t know when each dialect begun to shift the phonemic value of it’s consonants and it is widely accepted that there was a substantial ovelapping period between the two consonantal phonemic systems. So we’re pretty sure that the Doric dialects had given a spirant value in «β» and «θ» already in the 5th century BC , when they started to substitute the letter “digamma” («F» having the emiphonic phonemic value of /w/) with «β» (βόρθιος for earlier Fόρθιος) and «θ» with «σ» («μά τῷ Σιῷ» for earlier «μά τῷ Θεῷ»). The phonemic overlap was most intense roughly during the period 450-250 BC , but it doesn’t mean that it was inexistent earlier and later.
Hence during the Early Archaic Period (750-650 BC) when the Homeric Epics were writen down and we are expecting to find [β,γ,δ] with the phonemic value of [/b/,/g/,/d/] the northern Thessalian tribal name Περῥαιβοί already attested in the Iliad shows a «β» in the place of a “digamma” , sinse the name probably means “from the sourse/edge of the river Αous” not far from Ancient Dodona («Πέρῥας ΑἴFoυ» >> «ΠερῥαιFοί») and according to the Iliad [II.749-750] :
“… the valiant Perrhaebi, who dwelt about wintry Dodona …”μενεπτόλεμοί τε Περαιβοὶ οἳ περὶ Δωδώνην δυσχείμερον οἰκί’ ἔθεντο
… a name comparable to the region Παραύια located immediatelly north of the Middle Aous («παρά τον ΑἴFα» , “by the Aous“) , which was inhabited in historical times by the molossian Παραυαῖοι.
Always in the Homeric texts the word ἄβυσσος (”abyss”) is attested and it’s etymology literarelly means “bottomless” («α-βένθος/βύνθος») as we’ll have the opportunity to see below. If this is the case then from early times the word for “abyss” has turned a spirant «θ» into «σ» , which later retro-assimilated the «ν» ,thus forming the double «σσ» in the same time that τέτρα (/tetra/) and ἵππος (/hippos/) were giving a canonical aspirate «θ» in τέθριππον (/tethrippon/).
The above examples are indicatives of the existense of the “consonantal phonemic overlap” already during the Archaic Period and , in the same manner the “rural modern greek” variants δέντρο (/δendro/) , κόμπος (/kobos/) , γκαστρωμένη (/gastromeni/) preserve the pre-Hellenistic phonemic values of /dendron/ , /kombos/ , /gaste:r/.
I hope that the above examples have shown the “conventionality” of saying that between 350-250 BC greek has turned into spirants the consonants «β,γ,δ,φ,χ,θ» and it’s this conventionality that creates the uncertainty in attributing exact phonemic values in words that have come down to us in a writen form.
Sinse the debate about the ancient macedonian tongue is based primarely on the interpretation of words that have come down to us only in a writen form it is logical to understand why it inherited the above mentioned uncertainty.
Having presented the uncertainty in interpreting the absolute phonemic value of a writen «β,γ,δ» as [/b/,/d/,/g/] or [/v/,/δ/,/γ/] and the writen «φ,χ,θ» as [/ph/,/kh/,/th/] or [/f/,/χ/,/θ/] we can be a little more certain in the relative interpretation : that is sinse the same nebulous uncertainty covers both Macedonian and the known Greek dialects , this permites us to postulate that a lets say 400 BC Macedonian «β» is not more difficult to interpret than a Boeotian «β» of the same period. This means that the older the attested writen form is the more probable (but not 100% certain) the writen «β,γ,δ» and «φ,χ,θ» represent respectively voiced stops [/b/,/g/,/d/] and voiceless aspirates [/ph/,/kh/,/th/].


Greek is an Indo-European (IE) language and like all the other IE languages it derives from a partially reconstructed hypothetical Proto-Indo-European (PIE) precursor. That precursor was spoken most probably in the Pontic-Caspian Steppes between ca. 5000-3000 BC. As it’s bearers gradually expanded PIE was first disintegrated in regional dialects and those dialects in time became separate languages , each consisting of it’s own dialects. Each emerging language has made certain innovations common or not with other languages as it has made certain preservations again common or not with other languages.
The original PIE language according to the most accepted linguistic view was characterized by a “breathy voice” , that is it possessed a series of voiced aspirates * [/bh,/gh/,/dh/] , among with a series of voiced * [b,d,g] and voiceless * [p,t,k] stops as it also possessed a series of labiovelar consonants * [kw,gw,gwh].
From PIE to Greek there have been at least two transitional precursors:
1) Graeco-Phrygian , is the linguistic precursor of both Greek and Phrygian and is characterized by the common innovations and preservations between the two , at least until the split of the two emerging languages , that is proto-Phrygian (direct precursor of Phrygian) and …
2) Proto-Greek , that is the prescursor that gave all the known historical and prehistorical greek dialects and which first started to develop the peculiarities that Greek does not share with any other IE language.
Some of these peculiarites are:
I) The devoicing of the PIE voiced aspirates *[/bh/,/gh/,/dh/] in voiceless aspirates [/ph/,/kh/,/th/] (at least before starting to turn in spirants [/f/,/χ/,/θ/] as we have said above).
II) The preservation of the labiovelars at least until the Mycenaean Collapse of ca. 1200 BC (in the Mycenaean Linear B tablets the labiovelars appear to be intact) and the successive relatively rapid transformation of the last during the next 2-3 centuries (ca. 1150-850 BC) , transformation that seems to follow certain rules : /gw/>> /b/,/d/ and more rarely /g/ , /gwh/>> mostly /th/, /ph/ , but also /kh/ and sometimes /b/ and /d/ and finally /kw/ >> mostly /p/ and /t/ and rarely /k/.
So we enter the Archaic Period (750 BC) and the beginning of the alphabetic writing and we find Ancient Greek already disintegrated in a mosaic of dialectal branches (that according to the widely accepted classification of Ernst Risch and Walter Porzig in the 50s there are a northern Greek group consisting of the Aeolian , Northwestern Greek and Doric dialects and a southern Greek group consisting of the Attic-Ionic and Arcado-Cypriot dialects) , each one of which composed by a number of regional subdialects ( For instance Lesbian and Boeotian are both Aeolian dialects , Locrian and Aetolian are both NW Greek and Euboean and Asiatic Ionian both being Ionian ones).
What is the position of the ancient Macedonian tongue ?? Is it a dialect of Greek or a sibling to Greek language ?? Aberrant Greek dialect or sister language to Greek !! This has been the answer that most linguistists hold for a very long time. The vast majority of the historians one the other hand , due to the possibility of a global examination of the ancient Macedonian society , religion and tradition have started much earlier to settle down towards the original Greekness of the ancient Macedonians.
What kept at distance many linguists from sharing the same opinion with the majority of the historians ?
It was the belief that according to the long-established interpretation of the writen «β,γ,δ» and «φ,χ,θ» as respectively voiced stops (/b/,/d/,/g/) and voiceless aspirates (/ph/,/kh/,/th/) , “Macedonian stands apart from every other greek dialect sinse it has deaspirated the PIE voiced aspirates * [/bh/,/gh/,/dh/] into voiced stops [/b/,/g/,/d/] , instead of devoicing them into voiceless aspirates [/ph/,/kh/,/th/] a property that is also shared by the other known Paleo-Balkan IE languages like Thracian , Illyrian and Phrygian.
To give some examples the PIE root *bher- “to carry”/”to bring” has given the greek verb φέρω (/phero:/ , “I bring/curry”) , but the macedonian month name of September was Ὑπερβερεταῖος (”hyper-provider”) which was also found in the macedonian (Dion , Pieria) cult of Zeus Hyperberetas . In the same manner the macedonian variant of the name Φερενίκα (”bearing Victory”) was Βερενίκα , meanwhile the name Χαιτέας from Greek χαῖτη = “mane” (/khaite:/ from PIE * ghait(s)-) in Macedonia has been attested as Γαιτέας (assumed /Gaiteas/) and the Macedonian word δῶραξ (”spleen”) and the month name Ξανδικός show a [/d/]-for-[/th/] relation to “standard” Greek θῶραξ and Ξανθός.


Here I leave aside Macedonian and I’ll examine words from the known Greek dialects that show a «μακεδονιστί» orthography that is forms writen with «β,γ,δ» instead of «φ,χ,θ» from terms that have a PIE reconstructed root containing respectively the voiced aspirates * [/bh/,/gh/,/dh/].
I choose the term “orthography” and not “phonology” , because it’s the writen forms that we can compare to our reconstructions , sinse as I’ve said above there is a phonological uncertainty due to the overlapping of the two consonantal phonological systems [(/b/,/g/,/d/)-(/ph/,/kh/,/th/) vs. (/v/,/γ/,/δ/)-(/f/,/χ/,/θ/).
For the reconstructed PIE terms I'll be using :
"The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European And The Proto-Indo-European World" , by J.P. Mallory and D.Q. Adams [Oxford University Press , (O.U.P.) 2006]
And sporadically I’ll use :
“The Greek Dialects” by C.D. Buck [first published by The University of Chicago Press (1955) , republished with permission in 1998 by The Bristol Classical Press]
When I’ll be refering to Mallory & Adams I’ll be writing [PIE, page] and when I’ll be refering to C.D. Buck I’ll be writing [TGD, page].
1) “Earth”
The PIE reconstructed word for “earth” is * dh(e)ghom [PIE,120]. Starting from * dhghom , greek has first transposed the complex dhgh in ghdh (as it has done with *dhghu- “fish” in ἰχθύς and with *dhghyes “yesterday” in ἐχθές , [PIE,472]) which apparently followed two paths. The “standard” Greek path gave χθῶν “earth” (hence Chthonic) and Homeric χθαμαλός , before simplifying it to later χαμηλός , meaning “low onto the ground“/”humble” (this latin analog has the same history deriving from latin humus for “earth”).
Odyssey [IX.25]αὐτὴ δὲ χθαμαλὴ πανυπερτάτη εἰν ἁλὶ κεῖται
Interestingly , there is also an “aberrant” Greek path which deaspirates «μακεδονιστί» *ghdhom into * γδῶν and from that eliminating one of the two consontants produces a plethora of Greek words like the δ-forms Δωδῶνα Μακεδονία rispectively “Zeus’ Land” and “Highland” and Ποτίδας («πότις Δᾶς» = “husband of the Earth” , originally an appellative of the archetypic maschuline god Dodonaean Zeus that later evolved into the Sea and Earthquake God Poseidon) , and Δήμητρα («Δᾶ μᾶτηρ» = “Earth Mother”) and the far more known γ-forms as γῆ,Γαῖα,γόνα providing the first synthetic of terms like Geology , Geometry and the Upper Macedonian region Πελαγονία (probably “dark land” like Pelops = “Dark faced”) and it’s river Ἐριγών probably meaning “flowing through the Dark Land” (Erig- is probably related to greek Erebos = “dark underworld” , which in [PIE,330] is derived from PIE * h1regw-es = “a place of darkness“). The modern slavic name of Erigon is Crna Reka meaning “Black River” which confirms the previous connection.
So the panhellenic terms Δᾶ and Γαῖα are the “aberrant «μακεδονιστί»” cognates of “standard” greek χθῶν , but are used by all Greeks sinse time immemorial in both Religious (Demetra , Potidas , Gaia) and Everyday (γεωργός = “earth worker” = “farmer”) language. I’ll end my “Earth” discusion with the two homeric epithets of Poseidon (Potidas = “husband of the Earth”) both meaning “Earth-Shaker” : Γαιήοχος (*dhghom “earth” , *wegh- “shake,set in motion” [PIE,391] and Ἐνοσίχθων.
2) “Be in (com-)motion”
There has been reconstructed a PIE term * dhuh2mos meaning “be in motion/commotion” and “smoke“. It’s “standard” greek cognates are θυμός (”smoke“-> “moving air stream”/”soul“-> “commotion”) and ἐπιθυμῶ meaning “to desire” (”be in motion towards something / be attracted by something”). Naturarelly , Greek has also produced aberrant «μακεδονιστί» cognates:
i) The Δυμάνες were considered to be oldest dorian subtribe and the Dorians were known for their macrochronic migrations before ending in the Peloponnese (Herodotus , I.56) not to mention that in all that time they practised pastoral transhumance , that is moved their flocks back and forth between highland summer pastures and lowland winter quarters. It it obvious why the name Dymanes was applied to a long migratory and nomadic Greek tribe as it is obvious the link with the PIE root *dhuh2mos “be in motion“.
ii) Further confirmation comes from the Odyssey. In [IX.793, XII.311] we find the phrase «νήδυμος ὕπνος» meaning “unshakable sleep” (the νη- has a “steretic” value as in νήπιοn = “small child” from νε-Fἔπος (”the one who can’t talk yet“) , meanwhile the Greek personal name Νήδυμος (with the meaning of “unshakeable”/”intrepid”) has been attested. It is interesting here the name ΑΔΥΜΟΣ found in Macedonia. The excavators related to NW Greek Hadys meaning “sweet”/”pleasant“. I do not know if the spiritus asper was evident in the inscriptions , because if it wasn’t then the etymology “unshakeable”/”intrepid” is also possible just like Nedymos and the mythic Atreus.

iii) Always from the Odyssey [VI.22] we have the phrase «ναυσίκλειτος Δύμας» “Dymas the famous (Phaeacean) Navigator“. Sinse most of the Phaeacean personal names found in the Odyssey are related to naval activities it seems to me obvious the relation between the name Dymas , the PIE root *dhuh2mos “be in motion” and his activity as Navigator (”moving in Sea“).
So again we find Greek terms that date to the homeric epics , if not to the days of the Dorian Migration , that still formed personal names in historical times and present the aberrant «μακεδονιστί» phonology (δ for θ). Dymas , Dymanes , Nedymos , Adymmas and possibly Adymos (if not Hadymos) have the same root (PIE *dhuh2mos) with the “phonologically standard” Greek word thymos. Again the Greeks have been using them sinse time immemorial.
3) “Zeus Thunderclapping from above”

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στην : History of Macedonia