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SLAVIC HOMER IN SKOPJE & assorted Balkan fables

by Miltiades Elia Bolaris
SLAVIC HOMER IN SKOPJE & assorted Balkan fables

(Hocus Pocus Slavomakedoniensis: bogus scholarly witchcraft in the age of Antikvizatsiyja)
Petrus Invictus, a.k.a. Perica Sardzoski, a.k.a. Pero, a.k.a. Petro, a.k.a. John Donne is only one of a long series of Skopjan pseudo-scientists from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Makedonija and the Slavomacedonian Diaspora, who try to make a pointless connection between the Slavic speaking inhabitants of FYROM and the Hellenic-speaking ancient Macedonians. To make such an unlikely thesis credible, they have to A. De-Hellenize the ancient Macedonians and “prove” that their language was Slavonic and not related to Greek and, B. make the case that it was not the Slavic tribes that arrived into the Byzantine Balkans after the 7thcentury AD, but it was the other way around: that the original home of the Slavs was Northern Greece, Macedonia, and that it was instead some imaginary Slavomacedonians of the ancient past who supposedly colonized the areas now inhabited by the Slavs, world-wide. 1[i]Such an amazingly in-credible theory is not so easy for other Slavs, Russians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, Ukrainians and Bulgarians, among others, to swallow, but this leaves the Skopjan ultra-nationalists indifferent. The target of their pseudo-science is not the academics; they know they have lost that battle long ago. Their target focuses on the international You-Tube generation and internally on their own Slavomacedonian youth, a youth long poisoned by decades long thought-crushing brain-washing propaganda garbage.