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Vecer: Elections in Greece – chance for "Macedonia’s" name too

6 October 2009 10:18 FOCUS News Agency

Skopje. The opposition socialist party PASOK achieved a convincing victory in the early elections in Greece, "Macedonian" Vecer daily writes.

PASOK’s victory set conditions for big changes in the political, economic and public life in Greece, the newspaper says.Undoubtedly, the bad economic situation will be a priority. What is important for "Macedonia", of course, is the effect on the name negotiations. What "Macedonia" can expect after the win of PASOK and defeat of New Democracy, which had very firm positions on the issue, is that the situation cannot grow any worse and the negotiations will become more intensive. It is expected that the change of political figures will bring change in the attitude of official Athens towards the name dispute.Analysts warn that the national consensus in Greece and strong international position should be kept in mind.