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Φαγώνονται τα δύο μεγάλα κόμματα στα Σκόπια

Το ένα κατηγορεί το άλλο, ποιος έβαλε στο τραπέζι των διαπραγματεύσεων την «εθνική ταυτότητα» των Σκοπιανών

(Το κείμενο στην αγγλική)

Skopje. Instead of unity, which the international community calls for, the ruling VMRO-DPMNE and oppositional Social Democratic Union of "Macedonia" (SDUM) continue the debate about who is right and who is not in the name dispute negotiations, "Macedonian" Alfa television comments.
According to VMRO-DPMNE, when the social democrats were in power in 2005, they have added the "Macedonian" identity in the negotiations.
VMRO-DPMNE thinks that the statements made by Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas that the identity has become a part of the negotiations in 2005 proves that SDUM started negotiations on issues that shouldn’t have been involved.
SDUM, on the other hand, pointed out that neither of the governments has questioned the major interests of the country.
“This is nonsense. In the October 2005 proposal, the "Macedonian" language and identity were all fixed up”, Gordan Georgiev from SDUM said.

FOCUS News Agency